I have contacted the upper law society as you suggested. Unfortunately, There are very few lawyers who will seek justice against that which would be the crown and Police. In fact the one I did see stated " the crown and police have been given exemption from prosecution as it pertains in the roll of their duties" The other lawyers while they readily agree I have a good case they want as much as several hundred thousand dollars.
I find it disturbing that in our country we have become a Nation where police can enter your home , falsely arrest you and ruin your life. This should be of concern to everyone let alone a school of law. The only reason I wasn't convicted was I fought like hell as suggested by Joyce Milggard in her advice.
I feel as though I have been convicted and that represents itself in every way. My home is gone as are all the contents, pets, pictures of dead relatives, my truck. The police actually aided in my accuser in absconding with all that I own. This in itself is a crime and when the police are the criminals, who do you turn to? I have enclosed a copy of the preliminary inquiry and the trial transcripts, I beg you to at least view them. At the very least they could be a good tool for those with the intent to become defense attorney's.
For anyone to believe that for police to be not found 'credible" and an accuser can admit to perjury as if it where just a matter of fact and of no consequence,( yet they do nothing to her and this was under oath) calls the entire justice system in disrepute.
Here in Alberta , things are changing drastically and in a very dangerous way within justice. I will share a few articles with you. http://metronews.ca/news/calgary/1332783/alberta-police-watchdog-investigations-rise-2015-on-pace-to-be-asirts-busiest-year
Concerning is statements like this "At a press conference in Edmonton in earlier this year, the executive director of ASIRT, Susan Hughson, said they’ve already investigated 25 incidents in 2015, a number on pace to surpass 41 investigations recorded in the previous year and any year on record. The five-year average is about 32.“It’s not normal,” said Hughson.I can’t really comment on why we have so many investigations because it could be a situation where there’s more reporting.” She noted they’re also investigating more “sensitive” cases, like breech of trust, drug-use and corruption."
And this "Howard Burns, president of the Calgary Police Association, which represents roughly 2,100 frontline officers in Calgary, said high a conviction rate would be troublesome.
“I would be terribly concerned if ASIRT was charging police officers on a regular basis,” he said. “That would be an indication that we have some serious problems.”
“I would expect that most of the time the officers haven’t done anything wrong,” he said. “I’m not saying that it’s always going to be the case, but it should be the rare occasion when an officer is charged with something.”
Indeed it is a serious problem and so is his answer. Now remember they have still yet to deal with cases stemming from 2012, 2013 and 2014!
The problem starts at the top as suggested in this article.https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCoQFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbc.ca%2Fnews%2Fcanada%2Fedmonton%2Fjustice-minister-should-resign-says-veteran-lawyer-peter-royal-1.2867611&ei=ZtIrVbT7G9PSoATi5YH4Bw&usg=AFQjCNGMlKEvxdyWSbi1nSXqb4g1y2zgow&sig2=fDXE_DLD8hUh0AUZc3_ydg
Of particular concern is comments like this from Kim Armstrong "“The ultimate goal of a Crown prosecutor is to see that the accused is convicted of any charges that are brought against him. This, undoubtedly, is not the outcome the accused is hoping for.” The memo was written By Grant who isn't even a lawyer! yet holds the position of "deputy minister of Justice" It is of equal note that Kim Armstrong was head of the L.E.R.B and the one who would sign off on officer complaints, clearing them. Does a law school have no concern for these things?
The following is an article on just one that she cleared https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB0QFjAA&url=http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/edmonton-police-officer-mike-wasylyshen-promoted-despite-criminal-record-1.2859907&ei=fMX_VIHbHtHXoATfsoKABQ&usg=AFQjCNGPw3mHrVSiBQs0tpHq0WnxApqY3Q&sig2=_BsxJoY-sYLSdVA3wAhYsQ&bvm=bv.87920726,d.cGU
This man "Wasylyshen is the son of former Edmonton police chief Bob Wasylyshen.
Court records show that at about 2:30 a.m. on Dec. 18, 2005, a “heavily intoxicated” Wasylyshen, who was off duty that night, launched an unprovoked attack on Devin Stacey, who was on crutches following knee surgery, as Stacey attempted to hail a cab on Whyte Avenue.
Wasylyshen later punched a security guard from a nearby corner store who intervened in the melee and repeatedly threatened to kill Stacey and the security guard.
Both Stacey and the security guard independently told CBC News thatWasylyshen said he could find them and would burn down their houses with their families inside.
Wasylyshen pleaded guilty to two counts of assault in April 2009. A charge of uttering threats was dropped by the Crown.
His lawyer read reference letters into the court record that said he had turned his life around by quitting drinking and become an asset to the police service with a gift for leadership.
A judge fined him $500 and refused a defence request for a suspended record, leaving Wasylyshen with a criminal record"
And "On Nov. 5, 2012, the presiding officer in an internal disciplinary hearingsuspended Wasylyshen for 120 hours without pay for insubordination and using excessive force.
A decade earlier, Wasylyshen had Tasered 16-year-old RandyFryingpan eight times in 68 seconds while the native teen was passed out drunk in a car.
The aboriginal community in Edmonton was outraged becauseWasylyshen was neither criminally charged nor, initially, internally disciplined. The EPS only filed internal disciplinary charges against him after the Law Enforcement Review Board ordered it to.
A judge in 2005 had previously ruled Wasylyshen used excessive force in the criminal case against the native teenager. The judge called theTasering “cruel and unusual punishment” that amounted to a breach of the teen’s charter rights".
So they promote him!? He could never have gotten his job had he had a criminal record , yet now having one in the line of duty is promoted. I have personal unfortunate knowledge of this man, believe me he hasn't "changed" I could give you literally dozens of cases in just the last few years where this is exactly how other officers are being dealt with. So my question to you is in what ethics class is this covered in?
If you all aren't interested then maybe you know someone who is because it isn't just myself and other concerned citizens screaming about it but your colleagues and the future colleagues taught at your school. Like I said, the justice system should be called into disrepute. Because a person fought like hell and wasn't convicted should not mitigate the existence of the problem.
My own Lawyer was "intimidated" by S, Carter the author of the "racist emails" and she has filed complaint against him as well. You and Mr osgood are officers of the court as is my attorney and even you guys are being targeted by police. My attorney is from the firm of Tom Engles , he himself has been subjected to much harassment by EPS. The article on Carter https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCIQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbc.ca%2Fnews%2Fcanada%2Fedmonton%2Fedmonton-police-slammed-over-racist-email-1.964253&ei=zNgrVZGNNoLSoAS68IAg&usg=AFQjCNHejaMdogKJUX5P8ii9TKDJ5z2qfQ&sig2=publcJtLhZrQNVuAvBrWuw
Kim Armstrong cleared him as well. He too has gone on to being promoted not once but twice. I know of 3 separate serious complaints against him right now. I will close and not further bother you all but I don't accept that you all shouldn't be concerned about the conduct of police and the justice department here in the west after all it this attitude that ends up with you guys fighting to exhonerate people and given the current climate here in Alberta, you are going to be busy. Whereas I find it most honorable the particular work that you do, just how do we prevent cases of injustice BEFORE they happen, BEFORE men rott for decades incarcerated. We have come no further than when they plucked a 16 year old boy off the streets, charged him with rape and murder of Miss gail Miller, sent him to GAOL for 22 years! Only to find out they had the wrong guy! He was released and the right guy put behind bars. This we did to a child for pete sakes and there are other cases just like his such as Donald Marshall, Stephen Truscott and Guy Paul Morin and in his case alone they tried him twice!. We speak loudly that we have the best judicial system in the world. I certainly think that needs to be re thought.