Tuesday 29 December 2015

A couple Quotes

These 2 quotes have significant meaning to myself. They should to others as well.

"I never desire to converse with a man who has written more than he has read. He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."
and: "We can all sa that we are never going to commit a crime. But we cannot ever guarantee that someone won't accuse us of a crime and if that happens?, then good luck in this criminal justice system"

tick tock, tick tock...who's turn will be next?

Saturday 26 December 2015

Netflix - Making A Murderer - Episode 1 36 million reasons why to frame a man

How prophetic the words "they aren't done yet". I encourage you to watch this episode and what the follow ups, they end up framing him for murder again. I cannot imagine what this man has endured.

As far as I end up knowing he and now his nephew rot in prison, this case is riffe with police corruption and there is one simple way to put and end to it.

There is a preservative in the blood samples, whole tubes of them ( that someone withdrew an amount with a hypodermic needle)  the DNA samples in the new case needs to be tested for that preservative. But then again, does anyone care? it isn't popular and to be twice falsely railroaded by police, the thoughts of what happened to him, his family and their lives, the very fact of our society and views of policing, corruption is just staggering.
Fact police framed him before and it wasn't until he seeked recompense of 36 million that he was framed again. 36 million reasons why to frame a man.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

I Had a dream...different from the others.

The other night , I dreamed of having my own home.My place if you will, others can join and feel secure but it would be my accomplishment in life. Some may say my goals were set too low but ever since I was a young boy I just wanted my own home.
I was well on the way of accomplishing this goal when I was accused. Made some renovations, damn near worked like an ant on that thing, until it got ripped from my hands.
In my dream I debated myself, "you should have accomplished this long ago, you know your 43?" "yes but I can do it again, start over...I am a driven man". "No" said my dream, you failed , you've come so far to fail and time is no longer on your side. I protest, "you don't know me....lalaland all the things I would do in the most dangerous of homes to turn it into my palace." Face it , you failed, it's too late. "You failed the first 43, why not just give up"?
A dream can convince you of things, silently you may agree, adolescently you'll build on, despite the facts.
        I tossed and turned all night with that dream, eventually to lose, lose hope for the solitude, the pride, the ingenuity and the work, job well done. First time I ever arise feeling hopeless.Reminds me of one of my favorite movies, long old, long gone but to the right person a glimmer of hope. Enjoy this was me, this was you and so many others...robbed whilst we dreamt of a goodness.

Saturday 12 December 2015

The Logical Song

When I was young, it seemed that life was so wonderful,
A miracle, oh it was beautiful, magical.
And all the birds in the trees, well they'd be singing so happily,
Joyfully, playfully
watching me.
But then they sent me away to teach me how to be sensible,
Logical, responsible, practical.
And they showed me a world where I could be so dependable,
Clinical, intellectual, cynical.

There are times when all the world's asleep,
The questions run too deep
For such a simple man.
Won't you please, please tell me what we've learned

I know it sounds absurd
But please tell me who I am.

Now watch what you say or they'll be calling you a radical,
Liberal, fanatical, criminal.
Won't you sign up your name, we'd like to feel you're
Acceptable, respectable, presentable, a vegetable!

At night, when all the world's asleep,
The questions run so deep

For such a simple man.
Won't you please, please tell me what we've learned
I know it sounds absurd
But please tell me who I am.

Just a song or a future prophetic version of society today....as a friend says "let it pass your own test of reason"......just make sure you fall in line an dare not to step out least you be "Now watch what you say or they'll be calling you a radical,
Liberal, fanatical, criminal.
Won't you sign up your name, we'd like to feel you're
Acceptable, respectable, presentable, a vegetable!"

At night, when all the world's asleep,
The questions run so deep.....that is half the issue, while we sleep and they scheme.

elevator music.....sir do you mind if we put you on hold?....click !wait....

So as directed by the courts and probation officer and as a part of my community sentence for "assaults on 11 police officers" while I faced persecution for being a falsely accused rapist.
I went and participated in what was described to me as Qoute" Joe it's just a one time screening and the reason for it is because back a few years ago while you faced charges of sexual assault, you had drank a fifth of vodka and took a bottle of pills " ,"they will probably just write a blurb report to us that you do not need counselling and it was just a situational issue, no need for concern and that will be good enough for us and we will drop the issue.

So I went down there, filled out their mountain of paperwork, sat and waited for the "counsellor" all the while bothered by the fact that they had DSM questions regarding mental stability...suicide, attempts, when ,ect. Dsm for those not in the know is

"Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" and is primarily used by forensic psychologist and psychiatrists, those trained and educated in its application and it shouldn't be put in the hands of someone who is NOT trained to be referring to it such as a drug and alcohol counsellor who I might add has the largest field of "They themselves being recovered addicts"Somehow they have jockeyed themselves into a position of "a therapist" and knowledge based by hands on use and disuse of drugs and what not, ridiculous.

So being that I have P.T.S.D which is actually assign and diagnosed by a QUALIFIED physician, this group decides to prob why I am there and ask questions about suicide based on questions formed from the DSM.

She calls me in, doesn't introduce herself or shake hands. Silently studies my demeanor while constantly making notes.

She says "why haven't you filled out the DSM questions?" I said " Do you know what triggers are"? she says yes". Well I say, these questions trigger me and are extremely personal, besides I don't know who you are and You're definitely not qualified to be dissecting my brain, you aren't even a doctor".

Well she says" are you suicidal, do you have thought and or a plan? I said hell yes I am suicidal and relate my story with her and in fact ask her if in my shoe's wouldn't she be and she agreed.

WELL RIGHT then, so let's move on to either you discussing this with my doctors and or my probation officer, she states that I would have to sign a waiver. LET"S do it I said, "well I don't have any right now", she says.

So I politely ask her to go and get some? She say's she will but continues to probe suicide, I said "look you're not qualified to probe my brain, clearly you know that, else we would be signing the waivers and you know they aren't going to discuss with you.

You are to asses if I am an alcoholic and or drug addict because while at the worst time of my life I attempted suicide by over medicating while having a drink. I haven't done so again, learned to seek help when I need it, have a team of doctors and really don't need you feeling like I am in jeopardy and calling the nut squad on me, furthering my PTSD.

All the while she took calls, very important woman she is and would put me on HOLD so to speak, or if she was doing her annoying fucking writing and not paying attention. In the end she states" I don't know who informed you that this was a one time appointment, there are actually quite a few and personally I find you aggressive and aloof, long winded and not answering my questions, our time is nearly up." Just how am I to take a 5 year ordeal and wrap it up in 10 minutes?

Well I said considering you hold no qualifications to being a doctor , why play doctor? Why don't you call my P.O? she states" I can discuss nothing with him" and in the end we never did sign any waivers, nor did she attempt.

So please stand by while I place you on hold and I hope you enjoy the fucked song.....actually it is good and would be applicable to all the drugs that they have had me on for years, no doubt with upcoming adverse issues, 40 mg of diazepam per day then the sleeping pills of 75 mg's, someone better tie me down.....Ironic that I am having to show that I am not a drug addict while being legally pumped full of them for years, and by the way, I don't drink but after a day like yesterday, wouldn't I be human to consider it....yet intellectually sound enough to realize that it wouldn't help.
If I am supposed to report in to her, them and they are to generate a report, yet cannot do so because they have no authorization to discuss these issues with the powers that be, yet don't even have the forms for me to sign "authorizing" them to discuss it and she can't even phone my Probation officer, refuse to accept his number..........exactly why did I waste several hours of my day?

My thoughts: "So are you suicidal"?.....please hold...https://youtu.be/VBlFHuCzPgY well yes I have been for 5 years, they all know it. "do you have a plan...hold please https://youtu.be/VBlFHuCzPgY Which one , which time? Do you have a plan today....hold please.https://youtu.be/VBlFHuCzPgY From the back to the fore front of my mind comes thoughts of losing EVERYTHING, hey bud she is triggering you, https://youtu.be/VBlFHuCzPgY......well since you're so well versed in triggers yet unqualified to be probing, I really didn't TODAY until you mentioned it and made me momentarily reminisce and relive horror. "oh and what is your plan"? Look lady, I know when I need to seek help, I know to add illicit drugs or alcohol to my otherwise convoluted, long winded, tale of woe would do me no good to add a depressant on an otherwise depressed situation.
Still, what are your credentials? I'm an engineer, want to see my credentials ?
"so we are done here for today" and she escorts me to the pass code elevator and still no signing of waivers and yeah, that's how that went.
Ironic I have an engineering degree, no job and no office in a nice warm building built like fort knoxs....yet she has shit on the wall and can't give me a straight answer. It all comes down to justifying a system and if we played it back in rewind it would probably make more sense, hell even throw in the chipmunk voices on speed rewind, probably understand something

Thursday 3 December 2015

The sound and meaning of music

I used to think that a song was just a song, immature was to reflect upon a song in the different stages of your life but I figure I am completely wrong. There are those that can write poetry, music and while it may have one meaning for them that produce it, it can also have a different meaning for another.

We hear it everyday, seriously just try to remember not hearing a song at least multiple times per day. It could be the radio on the way to work, a jingle or a song for every t.v show , movie we watch, hell we don't even buy anything without the perfect song to go with the advertisement of some product.

If we go to church, we sing. Prepare for the holiday's, there is plenty of music for that

It is of little doubt the power of music in just too many ways to imagine.

"Many people do, however, share a general idea of music. The Webster's definition of music is a typical example: "the science or art of ordering tones or sounds in succession, in combination, and in temporal relationships to produce a composition having unity and continuity" (Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, on line edition)."

Tuesday 1 December 2015

They say the "5 stages"....

I began writing this Blog for many reasons. One of which was that it was in a format that I could talk and get things off my chest when I simply had more to say than those around me could endure or I would write out that which bothered me and I felt no one simply gave a shit.

Near 5 years of court, trials although "they" pretended that they were separate incidents were in fact ALL connected in a very close and intimate way. I have said this many times and many times I was told "no the courts see them as separate matters" Then they give you the look, the look like "you're just not intelligent enough to get it", the look like " trust me , this is how it works",etc.

Now I don't feel that I am stupid, yes I have a limited education but I do have a degree in engineering. So while people would yell at me (attorney's) to accept plea deals, "this is the way the system is" or try to convince me with a learnt look, bunch of backwards babbling misplaced seemingly educated words....I would often think to myself " does day not come after the night"?, "does one step come after another on a set of stairs"? "one rung of a ladder to the next, hence it qualifies as a ladder"? " for them to come to work wasn't there steps and were they singular motions or a set of events that led them to work"?
Endlessly I would get served bullshit like this with a helping of a convincing look, apathetic look,or an affirmative "trust me I'm smarter look" I can only liken their fragmented , meaningless words, sentences and speeches to this: "Where does the white go when the snow melts"? I absorbed the gibberish, would block it out when I could but each time was like a punch in the face and made as much sense to me as my one attorney that said "even though you were acquitted of the principle charges that started this all, all that time you did in jail was a FREE BEE and they want more time because the courts see it as a separate matter that you assaulted a police officer"

Well we all know it is over so"party on right"?.......no. For a small example the last few days I have been hyper vigilant, extremely easily angered at someones stupid driving mistake. Angered at the most mundane and meaningless things, even inanimate objects. I can't sleep for shit, I'm restless,confused, angry and my head just buzzes.
All last night in the moments I would sleep I would dream of remodelling my home, step by step. Over an over again, only to look at the clock and 20 minutes give or take has passed! Unreal the shit you can dream in such a short period of time.

I have proven my innocence in court so much and that is just what I was accused of. While awaiting a trial and in jail I was raped, not proud at all. In fact it has bothered me so much I could simply flip right the fuck out. However, a sane person has to pick the battles in order to win the war. To add to that which was already such a convoluted ,long story was already on the edge of unbelievability.
So back burner was put the rape that happened twice  so that I could have wherewithal and fight the battles to win the war. Segmenting and denying my own feelings just because to simply add to the whole thing might be misconstrued as a person with mental health issues.
I assure you, other than the P.T.S.D  "he suffers from no major mental health issues" and so convinced was my Foe that they would have me retested and retested again, allegate, allege all the while......same outcome.
Why was I raped? because I was an accused rapist and that was how these individuals taught rapists lessons. Why for real? I think they were just sick fucks. How? Well they held the keys to my cell and what better victim that would be unbelieved then someone who was in my state, position. Hell they could have cut off my arm and I complained, those in power would find some way to blame me for my arm loss.....never once would they say "hey maybe this guy is telling the truth"
The one guy I haven't seen until the day of my release, the other years later when I seen him working as a sheriff that transports prisoners, can you believe they actually gave this guy a gun!? I would stare at him, contemplate wrong but then just block it out and focus at the task at hand.....deny myself everything.
I was amazed as I looked around at all the people who just carried on as normal and I thought "if they only knew what kind of monster (armed non the less) roamed around them they would come out of their skin if they seen and went through what that guy can do"
 So I looked it up, trying to figure out what is going on with me, rudimentary but you get the idea as do I and I figure this is going to be one hell of a battle as I have yet to win the war. Trouble is, I'm not certain I have the wherewithal anymore. To simply draw out the process for so very long and suppress myself so very long will no doubt inadvertently make all of my emotions ,thoughts and feelings to overlay, mix up and be discombobulated , insuring recovery will be extensively long if at all possible.
I'm at about hurdle two and yes where they all appear to be "different", "separate" They still are hurdles and there will be no "free bee's"

Saturday 28 November 2015

short ode's to PTSD...... A life changed.

I have written a blog for some time now. In the separate matter dealing with P.T.S.D alone , I simply cannot put to words the thoughts and feelings in a manner that is coherent and decisive. so  People can't understand it until you deal with it and if you cannot explain what "it "is adequately to another then they simply don't know what the F your talking about.

I found some people who have, I understand them as they are me and I am them but we are different. When they can, in short sentences verbalize the identity of the perpetrator. My hats off to them. I certainly hope that they didn't mind that I borrowed them:

Mike Essig
Apr 7
The Geometry Of Self-Destruction

~ short ode to PTSD

Though capable of rage,
I am harmless enough
except when cornered.

If you decide
to visit my life,
just be sure
we always sit
in a circle.
- mce

Feb 4 Feb 5

Why go back
when you can move forward?
I face this question
each day I breathe.
It's not always so easy
to answer.

Tatiana Cody
Feb 13, 2011





backyard ptsd

acid flashback in the trees
frenzied branches feathered leaves
swaying seizing in the breeze
forming shapes that his mind sees
scattered thoughts attention free


I wanted our love to be like the romance movies
I reached too far, and put down the pencil
I never finished writing our story


A memory triggered, triggers the thoughts and the names called call the shots. Night by night the thoughts grow and the next thing you know you're tying rope.

I will end with this one that I myself wrote as I reflect on the picture of a  tortured message in a book. This is about as close as I can come to truly explaining how it is for myself.
 "You could be triggered by a word that sends you into a trance. Your soul speaks as your lips can't move and your brain switches to a different mood.
 All you want to do is read this book but your memory reminds you of all they took.
 Rest you say is all you need to get up and live to fight another day, a mockery to the real depth that you pay.
 while you rest the imagination plays , the sounds, smell and touch never go away.
 Laugh and mock though they may, somehow you fight another day.
As you sit awake in haze, drenched in sweat from the maze.
Your mate asks you about your craze state, you simply dawn your fake face and offer a meaningless false assured smile in the dark, you dare not speak your heart.
Silently wonder 'Am I falling apart'?
My own words about PTSD.

Ironic how most of us will openly say we aren't afraid of anything , odd as their is this simply this feeling of fear yet we or at least I know that I am not a timid person. Equally odd the open threat that you may very well not be trusted to become violent, yet you aren't by nature a violent person, nor have committed violent acts. it is as if you are not you anymore, the fear and anger unexplained while in true life the scariest thing real or  imaginable doesn't get a rise from you. Part of the soul gone? I don't know, fear of death no longer there you have faced that fear and died, yet you continue to live but your altered. I try and understand thins thing and I can't.

If someone or someone's were to break into my home tonight the last thing would be for me to call police, it would be systematically too late for them.....yet a nightmare can send me into a trance where I am so full of fear that Sometimes I dare not move, yet the more the moments go by my mood calms, memory fades. I don't want to hold on to the memory as I know its crooked and corrupt and my body's defense for myself....its the all unknowing, the lack of understandable, the irrational, the rasp of being just half dead, the life has left yet the soul imitates.

It's like the constant "Hi ,How are you? "oh great", "living the dream", "can't complain" and quickly you deflect it back on to them as you have just told a lie,"And you" or "and how are you"?. You're hurting , dead within but you know that polite greetings isn't an invitation of shit and even if you were to say something, even small yet odd in the sense of the greeting.......you just made everything uncomfortable and you may just have been closest to discerning how a person with PTSD feels everyday. Uncomfortable, agitated, fearful of the unknown, half dead ,something missing but you don't want to be troublesome.Pretending to be okay, pretending to live, the walking, talking dead.

The half soul

Friday 27 November 2015

To find a "cause", we need only look in our own backyards.

To find a "cause", we need only look in our own backyards but we don't. What I am addressing specifically is homelessness and hunger as well as mental health issues such as P.T.S.D.
Recently Canada elected a new Prime Minister and one of his promises was to transplant 25'000 Syrian refugees to Canada by Christmas. Why? because it was pressure, popular?


There are local news agencies saying that he has promised 600 million to the issue to care and educate these "refugees", roughly that adds up to about 35'000.00 per yer per person. Canadian as caring as we are are also bringing an additional 10'000 over. I watched the local news on Global National and I quote "they will be settled in ares that are specific to their needs and no doubt each of them suffers from P.T.S.D ! Yes I can believe they do suffer from that, especially the little ones. Yet there is more, "they will only bring families over, gays and Lesbians but not single men"

We have a long course of previous governments completely ignoring the P.T.S.D issue amongst our own soldiers and here is one article: https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjtgK3537DJAhWWnYgKHTf3CqMQFgglMAE&url=http%3A%2F%2Fglobalnews.ca%2Finvisible-wounds%2F1254729%2Finvisible-wounds-mental-health-resources-for-canadian-soliders&usg=AFQjCNFi6bIislQiYk4eLFyauKoL937nug&sig2=b9pFn78XYnE4IqFQT3nEwQ
 We have also had our soldiers live in shelters, poverty and worse. Another arcticle:https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjS5ryG5LDJAhVBSYgKHWkaAYkQFggfMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.torontosun.com%2F2013%2F07%2F31%2Fcanada-we-should-be-ashamed-for-turning-our-back-on-veterans&usg=AFQjCNGPSlb4vcjXVLVTxUvu-9eROzAbig&sig2=_4qWSQswzyB3wdzDdjO3WQ&bvm=bv.108194040,d.cGU
So what exactly are we doing and saying?.....that isn't just popular gibberish? Many police officers face P.T.S.D as well and go left untreated to suffer, between them and the soldiers I would rather spend yet even another billion on them but we don't, we ignore it, pretend it doesn't exist. There is dog shit in our own yard yet we look as far as we can and offer to pick up some other Nations issues, or point out "hey you got dog shit over there".

Assad was DEMOCRATICALLY elected! for even a second time during war!. His people chose him, yet they fight against him!. You now end up with this mess we now call "refugees" these people uprised against their democratically , twice elected in government and its not criminal to the west!. Here at home we would be deemed terrorists, threats against National security, charged , jailed. Hell we can't even protest peacefully without this happening:https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjonYrN5rDJAhWTKYgKHXrdC6AQtwIIHjAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DGaYbq484abs&usg=AFQjCNHqSycqgerIPvQYFe4fvtS0POIJKw&sig2=bFZPgM6l2izVYCr5aez7pw&bvm=bv.108194040,d.cGU

Tuesday 17 November 2015

“I would never confess to something I didn’t do!” and I paid for it dearly.

Through all of this while it is mentally and emmotionally draining, I never confessed as there was nothing to"confess too". I stood my ground, proved my innocence and the tatics they use are simply mindboggling...in the end I don't know myself any longer. I am changed, damaged and this is the system sworn to protect us. These are just SOME of the tatics allowed to be voiced that are used, trust me it can go way beyound that which is worse than the original accusation and are indeed criminal. The article:

Monday 16 November 2015

What is the truth? Is it all a lie?

Give it a chance, there are a lot of people that have a lot to say that are rational, sane and raises questions.

Saturday 7 November 2015


So it has been nearly a week now since it all came to an end. I am more than a bit confused about a lot of things. The initial unbreakable grin has worn off and I find myself in a state of numbness. Between my wife and I, it would seem as if all we do is sleep. I'm tired right now and I just woke up.

Thursday 5 November 2015

Someone on AVFM recently asked me this.


You should tell us what happened that has caused so much grief in your life. But far more important you should tell us WHAT YOU WOULD HAVE DONE DIFFERENT to avoid getting into such a mess. The point being we need to warn others on how to avoid a similar fate..."

This is my response:

"WHAT YOU WOULD HAVE DONE DIFFERENT".....Believe me I have looked back and I seriously don't think that there is anything that I could have done to avoid, protect myself from such a mess. Feminists says that abuse starts slowly, ingraining and ever controlling, its roots grow deep and before you know it you are trapped. Well right back at them.

when you raise a child from young and are called daddy, the last thing that you would ever think is to be falsely accused of some horrendous act against them. Was there warning signs? I suppose there were. The drug use from her, skipping school, living a risky lifestyle, running away but then again I just described near every teen in north America.

Is there groups or people to help? Yes I found her propensity to lie and falsely accuse many to be a serious problem and I sought out mental health help for her, drug counselling, social workers, even had taken parental courses. So in the end however gradual it was, well I was stuck being a parent to someone else's kid.

It's easy for someone to critic and say well after viewing all that and the false allegations that I should have known better to get the fuck out of there, Really? It's called being a parent, they struggle , cry out in various ways for help and do you abandon them, turn your back on them? No you be a parent.

There was a time where things were simply out of control, my stepdaughter was no longer controllable. Where we lived the police would not get involved, there were not any programs that were available that she needed. Exhausted, I ended the relationship with the mother and was in the process of removing myself out and away. In short, I was their bread and butter and they weren't having any of it.

First I attempted to remove the kid from my home, the real father could do his fucking job. Well in good old redneck Alberta that is illegal, criminal and in fact because I allowed her to call me daddy I was legally responsible for her until she turned 18 under law.

Thus I was kicking the mom out too....foolish me.

The rest as it turned out was yet her finest piece of well orchestrated drama, second only to her risky lifestyle and cutting herself. Once she notified the police, the four amigo's or curly ,larry and moe and the even further retarded cousin their other brother darryl took over and despite the numerous false accusations against a gamut of people, despite the 2 different mental drugs she was on,despite so much that I just want to repeat DESPITE, they arrested me.

How could I defend myself? I was jailed and all I owned was in their hands. Legal aid lawyers were fucking useless and personally I believe paid for by the feminist party. My life just rolled into this SSSHHH let's get him to the meat grinder. Publicity bans were placed, years of court, even when the courtroom sheriff's could she that she was obviously lying, they all continued. Its there job! they would say. While she would tear up during her lies they would rub her back, me? well I was disheveled, shackled, poised in a box built to send a statement, called the accused and later would get a cup of piss thrown in my face.

You think I wanted all of this? To lose years of my life? to be raped from others because I was an accused rapist? The years of jail, trials, attempts at suicide if it would only bring relief to my soul where I could not possibly make any sense out of anything.

The second sign that your in an abusive relationship of some nature: The abusers will attempt to convince you that you are wrong, you are bad, you are stupid, you are evil, you are responsible for THEIR negative actions, YOU make them do bad things to you because you are you. Was I treated as innocent until proven guilty?no . Was I treated fairly at all? No. But once the machine starts and is on the highway, your fuckin in it until IT decides to use an off ramp and slowly slow down, maybe let you out.

Looking back, could I have helped myself in anyway.....don't see how. I as a parent had roles and duties under penalty of law. Did I ever think that the little person who used me as her example of a "hero in school would falsely accuse me....no. Did I try and get her help, you fuckin rights I did and it wasn't cheap. Did I ever think that the one who would scream out for me if ever in trouble or had a bad dream would ultimately ruin my life? how the fuck can you predict such a thing?

Honestly, where I will never speak to her again and place a peace bond on her if she ever attempts any contact, I still don't hold her fully into account. There was something else, something missed and the fucked up system exploited it with all its might....this movement called disguised as feminism needs to go. It is a violent all encompassing demonic man eating monster. While I am on the subject, to explain. Why is their women's rights? children's rights?(but only if you're a female) why are there no right's for boys? men?.

People are shitting their pants about the next ice age, climate change.....better look out for and start really paying attention to the power shift of who is in control because there is a lot more coming for us all.

To sum it up, I don't hate women, believe in human rights and I will never fucking raise anyone's daughter again. I am with a woman who does not want kids, can't have kids and yes I am a grandfather by marriage to 3 kids. 2 are twin boys and the other is 6 and female.....she and I are never alone. No its not her fault and I am sorry but affection if ever is only in public. I am scared and diagnosed with P.T.S.D from it all, this is something that will take years to work out.

So am I responsible for my false accusers actions? NO. Am I responsible for the discredited police's actions? NO Am I responsible for being raped because I was an accused child rapist? NO. I can only be responsible for me, I fought and fought hard, with the set of balls god gave me I spoke out. Do I regret that? You betcha, should have kept quiet like the thousands or more others like me and just quietly moved on because jesus that speaking out just pissed off so many feminists within the system that they continued to give out spankings.....bad man!

Would I do it all over again? yes...I was a father, I did no wrong, I stuck it out when life was rough and if more don't come forward and recount their misadventures with misandry, well eventually that big bitch is just going to swallow us up and fucking half chew, spit us all out.

Think it can't happen to you? think again.

I'll close with this story you can easily look up on the internet. While iI traversed through the legal system, languished. There was a man by the name of Jonathan Denis who was the justice minister over my case. I would write him tearful letters, seek for real justice, ask for help and from him I basically got a FUCK YOU letter about how everyone did their job right. Funny thing about life, karma is a bitch as they say. This guy who sat on high, minister of justice! Well not so long ago his wife accused him of a whole lot of shit, sough and got an EPO. The Premier Jim prentice (who quit) fired him from his job as justice minister....you think I didn't chuckle while he argued "its all false" and watched his career flush like a turd down the toilet... I did chuckle, even emailed him and said "your turn now fucker".

There is no rhyme, no reason....Karma is a bitch and what the hell can you possibly do as one man to fight it? when even as a group we cannot collectively come together, be organized, listen to our elders, etc.

Enclosed is a link to the story of the justice Minister that I spoke of:https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=10&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CEcQFjAJahUKEwiaw5bEtvnIAhXUWogKHZIGBaw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fcalgaryherald.com%2Fnews%2Fpolitics%2Fjudge-lifts-publication-ban-in-legal-dispute-between-jonathan-denis-and-estranged-wife&usg=AFQjCNFFWstIWyw1bRRL40C0_0ognQL2hw&sig2=aTdDzckgjmtH-fv-ov7Kmg by the way he didn't resign, he was fired.

Tuesday 3 November 2015

The much anticipated day has come and much to my relief......

The much anticipated day has come and much to my relief it is done! It is over and I start anew.

It has been a horrible near 5 years and where I attempted to show and explain, be transparent....words can do no justice more than those that I received yesterday "You are free to go, rebuild and continue to succeed, I wish you all the best"
We drove home, tired and a bit numb but excited for life once again. There is much to rebuild, much work to do to overcome the P.T.S.D I incurred through my trials while traversing through the justice system based solely on first false allegations.
I have not much else to say at the moment, I'm a kid on Christmas morning:)! Later I will explain more possibly, possibly I will just let this blog go for a while and recuperate.   I thank those 70 plus thousands that had taken the time to read about my experiences and those on Google plus of 340,000 readers, and those that followed.

I encourage you to reach out to those that suffer as I had and to get involved under legislation to positively affect real change for those who stand falsely accused and have their lives torn apart. For all the help, lending an ear, support from those and you know who you are....my endless gratitude.

A song for you: https://youtu.be/ZbZSe6N_BXs

enough for now
I have a name

Sunday 1 November 2015

Bing Crosby - White Christmas

On Monday November 2nd. I face sentencing for interactions and assaultive behaviour that occurred while I awaited my day in court for being falsely accused of heinous acts. Over 2 years ago I was acquitted after a confession from my accuser the first day of a week long set trial.
It has now been nearly 5 years of jail, bail, house arrest 24 hours a day. Struggles with family, myself and self worth, employment and an eventual diagnosis of P.T.S.D.
If I didn't say it has been unimaginable.....well it actually has been that for myself and all of those that have supported me or been a part of my family.

I'm going in with hope. Hope to climb down from the spider web that has had me suspended in animation for so long, the feelings of impending doom. Life has gotten so complicated and I didn't quite know how to say goodbye should the worst happen.
I like this song, the season is near and its a compilation of the same song sung many times before. Bing is soothing, a remembrance of a good thing.
I have said goodbye before , many times in fact only for this to continue. But this is supposed to be it, the day  and the end of an enormous real life nightmare that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

I got a name

Thursday 29 October 2015

The rule of Law....what does it even mean?

Before I say anything, I'm going to add the links from mainstream media to the dealings with this guy. As a friend of mine says "let it past your own sense of reason":https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB8QqQIwAGoVChMIoOGlqb_nyAIVlSmICh36Yg8U&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbc.ca%2Fnews%2Fpolitics%2Fbrazeau-no-criminal-record-jail-senate-1.3292343&usg=AFQjCNHxgfpSnafxOQ6He4rxoMiTxX94dQ&sig2=jPSFlq50zIHKuDYpjPJq9Q

And the other charges besides the senate fraud scandal.


This guy plead guilty after negotiating that the charges would be reduced. He was there yesterday October 28, 2015 in front of a judge to be sentenced and the judge absolves all the charges before him that day and he is left with ZERO criminal record!

How , what is the rule of law? The rule of law and order only seems to be for those who are not the ruling class. So it isn't Justice but JUST US. The rest of us must follow the law.
The real audacity of this guy is this as you have read in his articles. "I have been found not guilty of sexual assault"......no in fact you were never even tried for it buddy, you plead guilty to lesser charges of simple assault to dodge it.
He goes on to say "you see, I am no woman beater, the judge seen through that and found me not guilty" ......No sir, you plead guilty to simple assault, cocaine possession, drunk driving (WHILE OUT ON BAIL( POSSESSING A KNIFE THAT WAS SEIZED) and the judge in all his wisdom felt it right that even though you plead guilty, you will receive no time in any way and no record in any way.....WTF?

Still as of yet he has to face his trial for the senate scandal where he was caught ripping the Canadian taxpayers of for untold amounts of money. So what does this say about us as Canadians? How do you feel knowing that a guy that wrangled a deal to beat sexual assault , cocaine, weapons charges and while he is on bail he is caught drunk with twice the legal limit in him bearing a knife, yet isn't even charged with breach has now plead guilty and shown some culpability ,responsibility to be absolutely discharged free to go from a judge.
Free now to rejoin the senate and we pay him, yet next month when his trial begins he will have to step down again for the trial for ripping us off.....of no doubt he will be absolutely cleared.

This guy was appointed by Stephen Harper our FORMER Prime Minister. Mr get tough on crime himself, yet the senate and Harpers party is riffe with criminal activity. Including the stupidity of Harper stopping for pictures with the "crack smoking former mayor " of Toronto, just the day before elections. HMMM wonder why he didn't get in?

To take the cake, today as I drove to work I hear they want to rename the Edmonton Airport to the Stephen Harper International Airport. Justice doesn't reflect equal to us all, for the few it is but a few inconvenient words.

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Torture (HBO)

Torture goes a lot further than that. Look up the multi dozens of cases where prison guards torture their own citizens.


Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Public Defenders (HBO)

Canada isn't much better, per capita it could be worse. The divorce courts or custody courts are even worse. plea deals abound.


Monday 14 September 2015

"The accused"

For near 5 years, despite false charges dropped, judge s finding me innocent of others that the government pesters me to plead otherwise in deals. Despite being falsely accused and Acquitted....I got a name and it isn't the accused.

As the song goes "Like my Daddy and his Daddy before, I got a name". Looking back, must have been a verse I felt. hmm. Anyways, I also have dreams and ambitions and with the help of a friend, I'm going to do my best to meet them. Some may have thought myself to have been beaten down, beyond repair......Wrong, just got my second wind.

Like Jim here says "and I carry it with me and I sing it loud, if it gets me nowhere, I'll go proud."

I will be preoccupied but I'll never let men's rights issues go away entirely and be in support, time to time I'll check in and make positive change in various ways.

" they can change their minds but they can't change me, I've got a dream"

My sign off name has changed, yet that in the past will remain there as it had a point, purpose and meaning. For now.

I've got a name

Sunday 6 September 2015

Video of a woman hiring a hitman to kill her husband - later set free by...

In the end they set her free! This couldn't be more blatant.

Friday 21 August 2015

Cougar life .com....a place for predatory women to seek young men after they have used up the old man. (blog 140)

What can be better then a former porn star that creates a .com account for other predatory, worn out , fake and plastic women who have worn out the old man. Probably taken his money and now seek a young man that has to be at least the age of 18.......yeah like no one has lied about their age before right?

My television is bombarded by this former or current ? slut porn star. trolling every city ,town and province for young men. I only have one further thing to add, could you imagine some old former male porn star doing the same thing except it was for men and they were looking for at least 18 year old girls....Yeah like no ones ever lied about their age. Feminists would have a fucking field day with that, probably some out of the first words out their mouths would be pedophile, cradle robber.....so why does every major channel run this shit at all hours of the day....basically they openly support the abuse , manipulation of younger men in my opinion.


Misandry at its finest....how they raise people to believe in it.( blog 139)

When I first seen this commercial, it was warming and as intended it protruded the idea of someone grown up , having moved away only to return for a visit. Nice huh? Who doesn't want their children to visit, feel good and enjoy family time. I know I do, and want the kids to feel good about coming home once they have grown and left.After all, I would probably miss them too death.

After seeing this commercial repeated so many times, I actually listened to the words and I was like wtf did I just hear? So , I eagerly awaited several times to confirm that which I thought I heard and sure enough my ears were not playing tricks on me. here is the commercial:
Did you hear it?. Apparently this boy Kevin comes home. "Welcomed by the smell of pears and Vanilla, ready for desert." No problem there right? it goes on to show Kevin hug his mother "grateful for her encouragement throughout the years"....
no problem there either...but the next thing said is "AND SLIGHTLY INAPPROPRIATE ADVICE FROM HIS DAD"!. Why? the boy who secretly loves to be called Kevybear by his parents that clearly love him as portrayed, why would they thrown that in about his dad?
What if his dad was the one fond of Vanilla, gave the pep talks, why not mom the one to "offer slightly inappropriate advice from"?.

This is what I mean about the culture that is being raised and cultivated, somehow perverted in any way possible. Villainizing men as heartless, without boundaries or good sense while showing the Female gender as the backbone so to speak, the one that does everything right. It isn't real world and is misandry at its finest.
I for one enjoyed (pasttense) the smells of airwick, hell in my family I am the one to buy those and they envelope my home. I have an awesome relationship with my grandsons and they are happy every moment we are together, grand daughter too. yet,there will never be any time or place for "slightly inappropriate advice from grandpa"!
As long as I am home, they are welcome and there isn't much I wouldn't do for them and that will start with throwing out all that Airwick shit, as expensive as it is and never buy it again. I dislike manipulation, hate Misandry as it is just foolish.

My advice, start to watch and listen to what you watch and listen to because there is a brain washing occurring and you don't even know it.

dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against men (i.e., the male sex).
"her brand of feminism is just poorly disguised misandry"


Thursday 20 August 2015

The Rabbit hole....(blog 138)

I have recently found some shocking statistics from Statistics Canada. The actual link to this site is:https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB0QFjAAahUKEwjItrP6hLnHAhWLNYgKHafEBaA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.statcan.gc.ca%2Fpub%2F85-002-x%2F2013001%2Farticle%2F11804-eng.pdf&ei=1IDWVcj8J4vroASniZeACg&usg=AFQjCNE0ii1k6wG8WDNcc3U1ezAiKthVBw&sig2=e59ivaCK_XF7BmvpxuVohA

Before I show you two graphs from this report on statistics I have a friendly reminder. Please watch:
Now I am not going to talk. I'll simply "let it pass your own test of reason" as a friend of mine likes to say.

So this first graph states: "guilty cases in adult criminal court". Key word is GUILT. So why then according to their statistics that Women are just behind men in Murder, surpass men by nearly twice in attempting to murder someone? Yet there are only 6 prisons in Canada for women, 5 of those being "healing type lodges" and yet 192 full fledge prisons in Canada for men.
Additionally, Women fall just about 10 percent in robbery as well as "major assault". The most interesting stats are that women fall ever slightly behind men in CONVICTIONS for Sexual assault, about 17 percent behind men in "other sexual offences". Whom are they sexual assaulting? 200 pound men?, jumping out of bushes and raping men down? No they are molesting children!, the weak and defenceless. Yet don't be mistaken, we aren't talking about prostitution, that has a category all of its own and even though women surpass men in that category by nearly 3 times, they are only found guilty about 1 percent more than men and sentenced to some form of punitive punishment. Say the system isn't biased when in such a criminal offence perpetrated nearly three times more then men that men are going to Jail 1 percent less than women.
Feel free to scrutinize the rest.
So the second graph is to do with the "guilties punitive stage" or Jail?. Homicide,Sexual assault, Other Sexual offences, prostitution ! Women all surpass men? yet they need only 6 jails while comparatively having 192 for men?  If this is only a graph out there for 2011/2012 just think of how many sexual offenders of the female variety are out there and yet no one would bat an eye at leaving their child with a Female "the nurturer" and would be totally creeped out by a male, say running a daycare. Finally I will just add this. In the previous graph , when it pertains to "impaired driving" Women surpass men in this field as well yet by over half men are sentenced to prison. Why, is the over 1 ton vehicle they are driving impaired less dangerous? Do women respond better under the influence? Do they somehow suffer in an unseen way more then men and therefore less responsible for a crime?
Time to wake up!

Please click on each Graph and they can be blown up. each graph and related material can be found on the link first supplied. What is your interpretation considering we are taught and raised to believe that only MEN commit acts of violence, Men are drunks, drink and drive? Men are the burglars or those that commit break and enters. Men are violent, etc. You get the point? 
Why in Canada is there only 6 prisons for women and 192 for men?
The difference between criminal acts and sentenced is the reason for the two graphs. All of those numbered were found guilty, yet gender wise the sentence seems different. We are to believe that Gender is not an issue in court.

How far does the rabbit hole go?
A word from an insider that makes a living dealing with this gender bias in Canadian courts:


Tuesday 11 August 2015

An Acquittal from a false allegation means nothing....the boiling water just gets turned down to low but yet you still cook. (blog 137)

After my Acquittal from being falsely accused, Many of my supporters, family rejoiced . FINALLY ( they said) it is over!. Many that I could hear were like" what's wrong?, aren't you thrilled'? and those that didn't outright say it, I could see the questions to the same in their eyes.

Everyone knows I was bitter about being screwed out of my jury trial, the lack of questions that should have been asked by both counsels that day, including the judge as there were a ton of un answered questions. Just a short list: Why? was she coached?, where was all of my personal and valuable possessions? How could they destroy the evidence they alleged to have before trial? Trust me, the list could go on and I would be repeating myself from previous Blogs.

I moved away from Edmonton after my Acquittal and a whole lot of funny?( shall I say) things started to happen. Obtaining work and a decent place to live have been difficult at best. Skilled in many ways by natural gift or that of an educated trade that I had gained nearly 20 years experience in, still I couldn't land a decent job. I found this to be very odd as I have never had trouble in this context before trouble began by being accused as a rapist.

Shortly after living with my Daughter and Son in law and my awesome Grand-kids, my wife and I got a place of our own. It was wonderful, therapeutic if you will to be free of being told where to live, jail, house arrest. We had a place of our own and some much needed privacy that we had basically forgone for multiple years. I rather enjoyed the lack of daily visits and harassment of local police from the town I had escaped from. Things weren't perfect, untold amounts of hard work to regain that which we had lost, healing of the mind and souls and of coarse there were the residual effects of court matters that still had to be dealt with that had occurred via that constant police harassment before the acquittal. But all in all, things were looking up.

So in our new place, we rented the basement suite, the owner lived upstairs. The owner being a young female, employed and a party girl but such is the age and there were no real issues. That is until the police came and delivered to her a copy of the subpoena to my next trial. It included all the dirty details of alleged misconduct, violence against police. It wasn't in an envelope and we tried to lie and say "it must be about that accident we seen" she said "no, its for your assaults against police and your wife"( who incidentally testified under oath that I never assaulted her that day or any other day and this concurs with all the police reports,her statements given at the moment, as well as telling the judge "there was zero reason for police to be there that day" despite such statements the judge has decided "she is lying" and convicts the police laid charge against her will) she, the landlord also reiterated that she had a conversation with the officer, yet wouldn't go into detail . Embarrassed we just took the summons and parted ways.

Walter Fox and Ben Eliezer.( blog 136)

Between these two Canadian Lawyers, they just might have something to say being that they were hands on, and watched the system grow. Every MRA should watch this. Host is Attila Vincer, main contributor to his endless fight for men's rights. This is from "the symposium of domestic violence, 2015" If your moved please Donate to this organization that is directly underlined.

Monday 10 August 2015

Sunday 9 August 2015

I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore! Speech from ...( blog 133)

Men's rights movement won't change a thing until it becomes popular. Men put their foot down and say "I am as mad as Hell and I'm not going to take this anymore" ta fuck they gunna do? through you in jail? Probably will anyways or worse after all we are deemed to be the expendable gender.


Sunday 2 August 2015

Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn. (blog 131)

Unreal the moves of deceit she chose. The level of hatred , aggression that a woman can carry for so long. They portray men only capable of this level of violence, say only men are this nuts. This Gal takes crazy to the extreme in every sense of the word.


The look of despair.(blog 130)

Depending on your rank and file in life, their are times of despair. If you are a soldier in battle you may feel despair and even wear that look. There is nothing wrong with it, battle is terrible and to feel despair when proof positive there are those trying to kill you, those bullets whizzing by aren't imaginary.
Image result for the look of despair in soldiersImage result for the look of despair in soldiers

How does this relate to Men's rights?. Most if not nearly all soldiers are men and while they are trained for battle, they too can despair. Since most articles by feminists, government sites seem to be really free with "statistics", I have one of my own that is not scientifically backed up but I do believe I am closer to the truth then they are.
A conservative 90% of those who face False allegations are men. 90% of those who get the worst end of the deal in divorce court are men. They have zero training and most times it comes at them very unexpected. Yet they too can have, wear the look of Despair and with that in mind I'll reiterate in part with a twist " . There is nothing wrong with it, battle is terrible and to feel despair when proof positive there are those trying to"...screw you over.
Image result for the look of despair in soldiersImage result for the look of despair in soldiers
Does it appear as reaching? After all some of the words thrown around the courts are "verses, conflict, game,battle,defend". For those of you that have gone through it, you know what I mean. Like wars abroad that cost untold millions so does the court system revenue generate untold millions.

We treat our soldiers when they come home, with any luck. Yet we abandon countless men after at times literally years of conflict within that what we call the justice system, both criminal and divorce.
The average soldiers tour of duty? 6 months, now a days anyway.

So whether in battle abroad or within the judicial system, Cut off from your unit or your family, to win or lose. This is "Male privileged". In the end we seem to master the look of despair. Just a random thought, not sure where I intended to go with this.


Monday 27 July 2015

Senator Anne Cools at Toronto Conference on Domestic Violence. (blog 128)

Our esteemed longest seated Senator ( without scandal) Mrs Anne Cools


Walter Fox. (blog 127)


Thursday 23 July 2015

The cross examination of a false accuser, yet they feel it deserved a trial. (blog 126)

Quoting from the Supreme Court of Canada decision in Nelles v. Ontario, the Alberta Court of Appeal, in Radford v Stewart, said:

"There are four elements to the tort of malicious prosecution: the prosecution must have been initiated by the defendant, the proceedings must have been terminated in favour of the plaintiff, there must be an absence of reasonable and probable cause and there must be malice or a primary purpose other than that of carrying the law into effect."

In 1999, the Alberta Court of Queen's Bench, in Chopra, adopted these words in relation to this tort:

"The underlying basis for actions founded on malicious prosecution is the allegation of facts which, if believed, would establish abuse of the judicial process while acting out ofmalice and without reasonable and probable cause and which judicial process did not result in a finding of guilt of the party alleging the abuse."

In Remedies in Tort, the authors state:

"Traditionally, the proceedings must have resulted in economic loss to the plaintiff, involved him in scandal or subjected him to the possibility of imprisonment. As a result, most proceedings involve criminal prosecutions although there is no binding authority that this must be so. The courts have recognized malicious prosecution actions in the area of bankruptcy on the basis that, like criminal prosecutions, injury to the reputation of the plaintiff occurs before the plaintiff is given an opportunity to rebut the allegations against him."

Malicious prosecution claims have succeeded when unfounded and malicious complaints have been made to professional associations, such as in the 2006 decision of PEI's Supreme Court, Griffin v the City of Summerside, and in which the above extract from Remedies in Tortwas relied upon.

"By far, the majority of cases of malicious prosecution are found to originate in a criminal context. However, there is no authority which has been cited which restricts a malicious prosecution action to a criminal proceeding. The case at bar arises from a disciplinary hearing against Griffin. It is common ground among all the parties, with which I agree, that the tort of malicious prosecution is available to the plaintiff, Griffin, in this case. The onus is on him to prove the tort and each and every element of the tort."

In Griffin, the plaintiff made out his malicious prosecution claim and was awarded general damages of $40,000 (plus $33,640 for his costs and disbursements).
Elements of Proof

To win a suit for malicious prosecution, the plaintiff must prove four elements: (1) that the original case was terminated in favor of the plaintiff, (2) that the defendant played an active role in the original case, (3) that the defendant did not have probable cause or reasonable grounds to support the original case, and (4) that the defendant initiated or continued the initial case with an improper purpose. Each of these elements presents a challenge to the plaintiff. I meet each of these criteria. By the very fact it is proven is that the same that you are about to read is what happened under examination in chief by yet another new crown representative. Mrs Joyce alone acted responsible and moved for an acquittal. The following are the preliminary trial transcripts, so if they are addressing that which was addressed in trial proper then that leads to the conclusion that the matter was malicious prosecution as the trial should never have occurred  and I be made to remain in suspension for years more.

3          December 3, 2012                                             Afternoon Session
5          The Honourable                                                The Provincial Court of Alberta
6          Judge Myers
8          G.C. Marchant                                                  For the Crown
9          D.M. Boisvert                                                   For the Accused
10        D. Busch                                                          Court Clerk
12 Before we begin here. This is now the second cross examination of Angel Roberts. It's been 8 months since her wanting a Hamburger instead of answering direct questioning and shit really gets deep, yet as far as I am concerned ...not deep enough. She is questioned about going on to accuse falsely 2 others since the last day in court. Her answer, she re accuses them ! even though she wrote a letter recanting and never showed up for their preliminary inquiry( theirs got dismissed because she didn't show up) The crown has been replaced and the judge doesn't even give her any shit for not attending court. She throws fits, storms off the stand at will, only to converse with her mother awaiting in the lobby. We know this because my supporters viewed and heard all this also awaiting in the lobby.
My wife and I had to drive 4 hours to get to court in a snow storm and yet I had to turn myself into the RCMP by 8:00 am to make sure that I WILL BE THERE FOR COURT!. The terrible list goes on and a new version of her story emerges yet again.
13        Discussion

Monday 20 July 2015

My proof that My personal case was indeed a case of malicious prosecution. Proof of the many lies told by those who represent the Queen, citizens of our Nation. (blog 125)

This is the copy of the official transcripts to the several venues of the preliminary Inquiry as well as proof that I was maliciously prosecuted. There is no way that the crown could not have known this to be untrue and in fact points out his underhandedness of having to have known it was false before the actually " confession "years later. This is also my proof that the crown himself has lied , mislead a judge, by his own words. Finally this is my proof that long before there ever was a trial, that gender bias was ruled supreme within these proceedings. I will interject from time to time, my own writings or words will be in blue as this one is. Its time for a change and I plan on seeking redress from this entire matter from both the R.C.M.P as an identity, each officer as an individual as well as that of my accuser and the crown representatives, etc
Grab a cup of coffee because this is going to be intense. The following is their justification to bring this to trial.

Quoting from the Supreme Court of Canada decision in Nelles v. Ontario, the Alberta Court of Appeal, in Radford v Stewart, said:

"There are four elements to the tort of malicious prosecution: the prosecution must have been initiated by the defendant, the proceedings must have been terminated in favour of the plaintiff, there must be an absence of reasonable and probable cause and there must be malice or a primary purpose other than that of carrying the law into effect."

In 1999, the Alberta Court of Queen's Bench, in Chopra, adopted these words in relation to this tort:

"The underlying basis for actions founded on malicious prosecution is the allegation of facts which, if believed, would establish abuse of the judicial process while acting out ofmalice and without reasonable and probable cause and which judicial process did not result in a finding of guilt of the party alleging the abuse."

In Remedies in Tort, the authors state:

"Traditionally, the proceedings must have resulted in economic loss to the plaintiff, involved him in scandal or subjected him to the possibility of imprisonment. As a result, most proceedings involve criminal prosecutions although there is no binding authority that this must be so. The courts have recognized malicious prosecution actions in the area of bankruptcy on the basis that, like criminal prosecutions, injury to the reputation of the plaintiff occurs before the plaintiff is given an opportunity to rebut the allegations against him."

Malicious prosecution claims have succeeded when unfounded and malicious complaints have been made to professional associations, such as in the 2006 decision of PEI's Supreme Court, Griffin v the City of Summerside, and in which the above extract from Remedies in Tortwas relied upon.

"By far, the majority of cases of malicious prosecution are found to originate in a criminal context. However, there is no authority which has been cited which restricts a malicious prosecution action to a criminal proceeding. The case at bar arises from a disciplinary hearing against Griffin. It is common ground among all the parties, with which I agree, that the tort of malicious prosecution is available to the plaintiff, Griffin, in this case. The onus is on him to prove the tort and each and every element of the tort."

In Griffin, the plaintiff made out his malicious prosecution claim and was awarded general damages of $40,000 (plus $33,640 for his costs and disbursements).
Elements of Proof

To win a suit for malicious prosecution, the plaintiff must prove four elements: (1) that the original case was terminated in favor of the plaintiff, (2) that the defendant played an active role in the original case, (3) that the defendant did not have probable cause or reasonable grounds to support the original case, and (4) that the defendant initiated or continued the initial case with an improper purpose. Each of these elements presents a challenge to the plaintiff.
 I meet each of these criteria. By the very fact it is proven is that the same that you are about to read is what happened under examination in chief by yet another new crown representative. Mrs Joyce alone acted responsible and moved for an acquittal. The following are the preliminary trial transcripts, so if they are addressing that which was addressed in trial proper then that leads to the conclusion that the matter was malicious prosecution as the trial should never have occurred  and I be made to remain in suspension for years more.

Action No.: 110584125P1
Appeal No.:




Athabasca, Alberta June 4, 2012

St. Albert, Alberta June 7, 2012

Athabasca, Alberta June 11, 2012

Boyle, Alberta December 3, 2012

Transcript Management Services, Regional
4909 - 43 Avenue Red Deer, Alberta T4N 3T5

June 4, 2012     Morning Session
Ban on Publication - Evidence
In Camera - Public Excluded
ANGEL ROBERTS, Sworn, Examined by Mr. Mahon
Certificate of Record
Certificate of Transcript
June 4, 2012     Afternoon Session
Certificate of Record
Certificate of Transcript
June 7, 2012     Morning Session
Certificate of Record
Certificate of Transcript

June 11, 2012   Morning Session
Ban on Publication (Identity of Complainant)
Ban on Publication (Evidence)

June 11, 2012   Afiemoon Session
Certificate of Record
Certificate of Transcript

December 3, 2012 Afternoon Session
ANGEL JANE FAITH ROBERTS, Affirmed, Cross-examined by Ms. Boisvert
SAMANTHA ELLEN ROBERTS, Sworn, Cross-examined by Ms. Boisvert Order to Stand Trial
Certificate of Record
Certificate of Transcript

1          Proceedings taken in the Provincial Court of Alberta, Courthouse, Athabasca, Alberta
3          June 4, 2012     Morning Session
5          The Honourable                                                The Provincial Court of Alberta
6          Judge Myers
8          J.A. Mahon                                                      For the Crown
9          D.M. Boisvert                                                   For the Accused
10        C. Cemy                                                           Court Clerk